Willem Kolvoort Onderwaterfotografie

Fresh water

Although I am keenly interested in all types of underwater nature and have a great passion for the photography of marine mammals, my greatest passion continues to be for the photography of Dutch fresh water, an immensly fascinating underwater world.
Our fresh water is never very clear and it is this very condition that creates beautiful, atmospheric underwater landscapes where many forms of life live together in great harmony.
As soon as you disappear under the water level, your world changes. You sometimes end up in impenetrable forests of aquatic plants where total sllence reigns. The often mysterious atmosphere is nothing like the hectic world above.
I shoot not only in deep sand suction pools but also in peat bogs, ditches, brooks and anywhere that looks interesting and where the water is fairly clear.
One of my favourite dive sites is my own pond. It's amazing to see the riches and variation of underwater life there within only a few square meters. And also in the underwater photography the motto applies: Know your place and you will make good pictures, even in your backyard.